Rethink Activism, Academy of Urbanism and Nordic City Network: Towards a New Culture of Urbanism

Presentations and dialogue

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Re-Think Activism – Pecha Kucha™ style lightning talks on innovation, activism and engagement

Six speakers from the AoU, Nordic City Network and City of Aarhus to present a set of observations generating ideas which provoke, raise challenging questions and offer potential solutions. Themes to embrace include: city development by the community; active neighbourhoods; affordable living; involving the elderly; design really matters; experimentation and prototyping; and greener places.

Presenters include:
Paul Natorp, Co-Founder, Sager der Samler
Anna Hjerrild, Anthropologist and Urban Strategic Consultant, Odense Municipality
Giulia Vallone, Senior Executive Architect, Cork County Council
+ more to be announced

Maximum capacity at the event is 120.

Tid og sted(1 time)

  • Lørdag 16/9

    14:30 – 16:30

    Paul Natorp, Co-Founder at Sager der Samler – Anna Hjerrild, Anthropologist and Urban Strategic Consultant at Odense Municipality – Giulia Vallone, Senior Executive Architect at Cork County Council + more to be announced
    BYDELSKONTORET, takes place at Rådhuset